by theloushe Like all new parents, they are very concerned with their newborn arriving healthy with everything in tact, as it should be. Sometimes t
Anxiety Disorders in Children |
by theloushe
Like all new parents, they are very concerned with their newborn arriving healthy with everything in tact, as it should be. Sometimes though, things happen and the new parents must learn how to live with the disorders and or conditions that affect the child. The health insurance provider is expected to pay its share of the health care costs, hospitalization, and necessary medical care for the newborn.
The monetary charges begin to mount depending on the affliction. Your newborn is born with an unexpected malady and the medical health care community is working diligently to help bring that child to a healthier state. This is never a good time for the new parents, family, and friends as everyone is concerned for the welfare of the newborn.
Unfortunately, even today the medical health care communities will, with many cases, misdiagnosis what an infant or young child is afflicted and label it a developmental disorder rather than a childhood disorder. Some ailments are easily defined through the health insurance industry once the medical health care physician or pediatrician puts an official name to what the child is suffering.
In many instances, the medical health care physician will be able to identify what is upsetting a young child and place that child on a strict regiment. This can be anything from a change of formula for the infant to breathing equipment because the child's lungs are under developed. When there are serious afflictions, the medical health care physician will recommend surgery to correct the situation as in a cleft lip, or heart damage.
The health insurance provider will keep in close contact with the medical health care physician until they have discussed the best, most efficient method that is best for the child. There are some diseases and disorders that can be identified before a child is born, but the vast majority remains unknown by the medical health care physician until after the child is born.
Once the affliction is identified a regiment of therapy, prescription medication, and other necessary recommendations will be monitored closely until the child is back to a normal state. When surgery is a recommendation to be considered, the health insurance provider and the medical health care physician will discuss the issue and you as the parents will be presented with the facts and the necessary cost.
Unfortunately, your average monthly cost for health insurance will necessarily increase during all this confusion and your low cost health insurance may not cover all the monetary expenses. That will mean it is now your responsibility as a parent to find ways to pay for the needed help for your child.
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Commonly question about Childhood Disorders
Childhood disorders?
Hey everyoneI m doing a case study for uni. Can anyone tell if there are any childhood disorders that would make kids more trudting or naive...? More likely to go off with strangers... This is in reference to children of about 10yrs...
Could there be something on the autism spectrum perhaps?
Thanks guys
Look into Reactive Attachment Disorder. Reactive Attachment Disorder is a complex psychiatric illness that can affect young children. It is characterized by serious problems in emotional attachments to others and usually presents by age 5. Most children with this disorder have had severe problems or disruptions in their early relationships. Many have been physically or emotionally abused or neglected. Some have experienced inadequate care in an institutional setting or other out-of-home placement (for example a hospital, residential program, foster care or orphanage). Others have had multiple or traumatic losses or changes in their primary caregiver.
Due to their difficulties with attachment, children may also be overly or inappropriately social or familiar with strangers. The child has repeatedly lost attachment figures or has had multiple caregivers and has never had the chance to develop a continuous and consistent attachment to at least one caregiver. Disruption of one attachment relationship after another causes the infant to renounce attachments. The usual anxiety and concern with strangers is not present, and the infant or child superficially accepts anyone as a caregiver (as though people were interchangeable) and acts as if the relationship had been intimate and life-long.
What are some current issues in psychology regarding childhood disorders?
im looking for a current new regarding childhood disorders for a class i am taking. i ve been looking for something to do my presentation on. i dont want to go over a disorder but rather talk about news regarding a childhood disorder. any ideas?potty training has been a good one to do for as long as there has been disorders.
What is a controversial topic involving childhood disorders?
I need to select a controversial topic involved in childhood disorder.Asperger s , ADHD, and bipolar disorder (particularly among CHILDREN) are all good options.
Good luck with your paper,
Dr. B.
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