Mental Health Care is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. There are various facets to mental illness. The most heard and c
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Mental Health Care is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. There are various facets to mental illness. The most heard and common are Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, dementia etc.These generally stem out of depression. Let us try and analyze how and why depression sets in.
Depression is one of most common mental illness and can be cured by timely mental health care. It can include both emotional and physical symptoms. Both types are controlled by chemicals called neurotransmitters. Depression does have other symptoms which we usually associate with emotional distress; such as unexplained aches and pains, or digestive problems.
The first step in Mental Health care is to find out how and why these illness occur.Everyone feels down at times, but long-term or severe symptoms may indicate a mood disorder, such as major depression which is also called clinical depression. Dysthymia is a less severe form. Bipolar disorder which was formerly known as manic depression involves alternating episodes of depression and mania. Postpartum depression occurs within a year of childbirth.
Although emotional symptoms have traditionally been used to detect depression, research shows that physical symptoms are also very common and should not be overlooked. The body has nerve pathways that determine how it handles pain sensations and emotions.
The spinal cord is the central 'street' along which the messages go back and forth to the organs, nerves and cells. These messages are relayed by neurotransmitters in the brain, and regulate emotions and sensitivity to pain. However when these neurotransmitters go out of balance, a person can become depressed and is more likely to feel pain or other physical symptoms.
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Commonly question about Mental Health Care
How can I obtain free mental health care?
I have been unemployed for more the eight months. I have a few mental health issues that I need to be taken care of before I should be employed again. I have no issues that cause harm to myself or others, I just have difficultly with extreme mood changes and setting myself to lose another job. I can not keep a job long enough pay for mental care, so is there a place where I can get it for free, including drugs if applicable?Contact your county/local mental health agency, to see what help they can provide. Sliding scale based psychological counselling is often available from Catholic counselling, the Methodist church, or Unitarian Universalists, and sometimes the United Way.
You don t have to be a member. Google: "clinics; mhmr; (your location)" & "free clinics; (your location)" Also contact your local department of human services and apply for state health care. See
Other advice that I am aware of is to contact your local social services department and apply for state medicaid, then find a doctor who accepts it. Ask at those places where you can contact a local social worker, because they often have suggestions, and contacts. Phone: (202) 408 8600
See For Lithium Carbonate, and other mental health medication, at $4/month s supply, or $10/90 days (more in CA., and 8 other US states: also try calling Target pharmaceuticals).
View and call 1-888-4PP-ANOW (1-888-477-2669), if financially disadvantaged in the USA, and seeking a bipolar medication subsidy. Also see &
See about depression, and bipolar disorder, then pages 3, B, and C.
A previous answer follows: Practice a relaxation method, daily, and when needed, such as: (free) or or Tai Chi, yoga, or Qi Gong, suits others better.
They will enable you to emotionally centre yourself, when practiced regularly, and can also help you become a calmer, more self controlled person, who is less influenced by the behaviour of others. Use them when needed to get through life s bad patches, as they will enable you to attain a way of being; awareness, without suffering.
"You are not your job" is addressed in "Feeling Good - the new mood therapy" by David D. Burns, M.D., from your bookstore, or Some others: Workplace Recipes: Coping with Unemployment and the Job You Hate by Joy Mouton (paperback), & Coping With Unemployment: 1993 by Brian Jud and Charles Lipka (paperback), & Everything Will Be All Right by Douglas Wallace (Kindle). Tips on interviews, and job applications are at Dress for the type of position applying for, and don t appear overqualified.
Consider volunteering, even from home, as shown in page B, which will act as occupational therapy, help boost self esteem, keep activity out of undesirable parts of the brain, help others, and provide you with something to tell prospective employers about your activities since becoming unemployed. Don t be too picky about the type of job; employers prefer someone already employed (or volunteering).
Keep in mind that the economy is in the process of turning around, at present, and employers will soon be hiring again in larger numbers, but at present, there can be many applications for any given vacancy. Remain resolutely optimistic, and maintain a positive mental attitude.
Contact your local churches, and charities, to see what resources are available to you. Contact your county/local mental health agency, to see what help they can provide. Sliding scale based psychological counselling is often available from Catholic counselling, the Methodist church, or Unitarian Universalists, and sometimes the United Way. You don t have to be a member. Google: "clinics; mhmr; (your location)" & "free clinics; (your location)" Also contact your local department of human services and apply for state health care. See Public libraries usually offer free internet access.
Who pays for mental health treatment? What are some of the issues surrounding financing of mental health care?
Who pays for mental health treatment? What are some of the issues surrounding financing of mental health care?Well, if your health insurance covers it, they pay for most of it, depending on your policy. Otherwise you pay for it. Unless you re on medicaid.
I think alot of people that need mental health care don t get it because they can t afford it. That s a sad thing.
What are the benefits of a mental health care plan?
In Australia?My GP has referred me to a psychologist and prepared a mental health care plan. I don t really know what it entails, though. Does Medicare give me anything back? Would it be best if I got my parents involved in it, considering I am only 18?
I think you get 10 visits a year with about $120 off the price per visit. I m not 100% sure that is the amount exactly but it shouldn t be too far off. Considering it could cost $140 upwards to see a psychologist it would help a lot. You don t have to go to a Medicare office, the psychologist should just deduct that amount of the total cost.
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