by Christiaan Tonnis About one to three percent of the American adult population is currently diagnosed with this condition. Borderline personality
Closer Look At the Teenagers Minds |
by Christiaan Tonnis
About one to three percent of the American adult population is currently diagnosed with this condition. Borderline personality disorder denotes a disruption in normal personality function that is manifested through character and mood instability. People with this disorder often have a distorted self-image and an undefined identity. Usually, they engage in unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships and exhibit potentially damaging behaviors. By definition, some may find familiarization with the experience related to BPD . But this should not raise alarm. For one, you may not have the condition at all. It might just be that your unfortunate life mirrors the experiences of a person with the disorder. Nevertheless, BPD is not something to be fearful of. Borderline personality disorder is curable with a series of psychotherapy and prescribed medications.
The onset of borderline personality disorder symptoms typically occur during the period of adolescence. This is when volatile and disorderly conduct becomes predominant. It may continue on for many years but it naturally subsides over time. To ensure accuracy, the diagnosis and treatment of personality disorder is often delayed until the period of maturity. Doctors find it necessary to discount the influence of personality development on behavior problems before jumping to any conclusion. Early diagnosis of BPD is only possible provided the patient is in dire need of help and the symptoms are present and persistent over a period of one year. With the following observable characteristics, a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is made.
* alterations in self perception ("I'm good" vs. "I'm bad, homosexual vs heterosexual)
* shifts in life goals
* frequent changes in job profile
* impermanent social affiliations
* erratic romantic relationships (love-hate)
What is Borderline Personality Disorder? SchoolWorkHelper |
Result of conceptual confusion, borderline personality disorder is ... |
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Related video about Borderline Personality Disorder - A Closer Look
What Borderline Personality Disorder feels like TRIGGER
What Borderline Personality Disorder feels like TRIGGER Please Note If you feel like you can relate to this video please do not self diagnose yourself In order to find out if you have BPD it is Borderline Personality Disorder - A Closer Look
Commonly question about Borderline Personality Disorder - A Closer Look
So I found out I have borderline personality disorder today. Am I really like Glen Close in fatal attraction?
I know that s the first thing my man s going to think, he ll probably leave me.. oh know I am like her!I guess I m just looking for info, anecdotes, reassurance lol- anything really!
Cheers :-)
You are exactly the same person you were before you were diagnosed....... it hasn t changed you only put a label on it.
How can i stop borderline personality disorder from ruining my relationship?
I have BPD (borderline personality disorder) , and because of this i am burning a hole in my relationship, if my boyfriend speaks or interacts with another woman i am filled with anger and jealousy at very extreme level that i cant help, in my mind i try and look for evidence that he is cheating or talking to other woman , when its all in my head , i react with such anger that is destructive he wont even let me look at his phone because he is afraid im going to see something that will trigger my anger and he is afraid i will break his phone ..ive already cut his charger earlyer in the relationship becuase he was talking to an old friend that was a woman, i felt such anger that he was close to another woman . He is very suportive of my disorder and he tries so hard to make me trust him but im just pushing him away and i dont know how much he can take... He is a very respectful man that has been very faithfull, were never apart, so even if id like to belive he is with another woman its physicaly imposible because he is with me every day and night ...?and any second that we are i am constantly worried about what he is doing and who he is with. The problem is his brother is getting married and throwing a batchelor party thats not atleast for another month and a half and i bring it up almost every day becuase i cant stop thinking about it, i told him i dont want him to go because i know theres going to be strippers and alot of drinking , but he is going no matter what i say he has to, its his own brothers bachelor party..., its overnight and its going to be far away from me. This will be the first time we are seperated for a longer than a day, i am trying so hard to not think about the situation but i feel like its hopeless. I dont know what to do with myself while he is gone. I try to hangout with my friends but even then all i am thinking about is what hes doing and ill be texting him the whole time... i cry constantly over this and i cant controll my anger. im not in thearapy or conciling right now.. i know that would help but, i feel like no one is feeling this , even tho i know thousands and thousands of people feel this way. i just need advice on what i can do to fix this problem , i love my boyfriend and i want to keep us going. is there anything that will help me ?See a counselor.
How do you know you have BPD? If you didn t get a diagnosis from doctor maybe you don t have it at all. It takes a qualified professional to make that judgment.
Worked in mental health since 1987Do I possibly have Borderline Personality Disorder on top of my Bipolar, OCD, and ADD?
I am 16 years old, and have been diagnosed with OCD, Bipolar type 2, and ADD (coupled with the nice anxiety attacks). I have looked at criteria for all of these conditions, but none of them seemed to completely fit me. That was until I stumbled upon Borderline Personality Disorder. I seem to fit it perfectly (though my self-harm is very minor). Another thing I noticed when I looked deeper into it is that some of the best working medications for Borderline PD happen to be what I am taking (Zyprexa and Lamotrigine).here is how I fill in the criteria for Borderline PD:
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.- I often lie to myself and build up fake memories to make myself feel better when it comes to people hurting me, so much so that I can t remember which ones are real.
2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation - Even though I m only 16, I have always had a hard time keeping close friends and boyfriends. My own mind seems to fight me and scares me into states of paranoia and I convince myself that the actions of my friends are wrong if they go against me and don t want to be with me.
3. Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self - I can t tell whether I love myself or hate myself. Sometimes I look at myself and think I am a pretty girl but other times I look in the mirror and my heart drops at how hideous I am. I also can t tell whether I m proud of myself because sometimes I feel intelligent, kind, and caring while others I feel stupid, selfish, and cruel. I can t tell who I am.
4. Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging - I find myself doing things that I know will eventually end up emotionally hurting me (i.e. devoting myself to something I know will fail)
5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, threats or self-injuring behavior such as cutting, interfering with the healing of scars (excoriation) or picking at oneself. - I have the bad habit of scratching my skin with sharp scissors to make it bleed or bashing my head on walls and furniture until they break.
6. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood - All of my friends think I am over-emotional about everything because I react so easily to just about anything. I ll sob about the simplest things and get angry throw fits for the stupidest reasons.
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness - (here is where I am unsure) Sometimes I will get depressed and I will just lose myself. I ll go numb and can t think of anything except how worthless I am and how I m always going to be how I am. I often can t move until after at least an hour of sitting there like a statue. Sometimes it s so bad that I can t even cry.
8. Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger - I throw fits like a 5 year old. Like I said before, I m 16 yet I will start crying and screaming in public when I get angered. My bookcase has holes all over it from my head. I am so ashamed of myself afterward. People who don t know me well say they could never imagine me doing anything like it. I have strict standards for myself and yet when I lose control I act like a monster.
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation, delusions or severe dissociative symptoms - I m extremely paranoid. It was mostly prominent in relationships. If my friend canceled hanging out with me, I will automatically assume she hates me and is actually going to hang out with someone else instead. With boyfriends, I would build up these situations in my head that scared me so much that I would break down into extreme depression and the paranoia would overwhelm me.
So please, am I stupid or do I have Borderline Personality Disorder? I d like opinions before bringing it up with my psychiatrist. I don t want her to think I m crazier than I am.
I am assuming that you live in the US due to the number of diagnoses you have been given. Outside of the US, psychiatrists tend to diagnose no more than 1 or 2 conditions. Historically, Borderline personality disorder tended to be a diagnosis given when psychiatrists were unsure of a definitive diagnosis, this of course is no longer the case. You should speak to your psychiatrist to re-evaluate you and give you a definite diagnosis and not a handful of maybe conditions.
Royal College of PsychiatristsI have Bipolar type 1
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