Senin, 10 September 2012

Severe Anxiety Symptoms - Are You Just Coping With Anxiety Attacks?

by by Janine Have you experienced severe anxiety symptoms often?Are you just coping with anxiety attacks by going through daily life with a terrible

Chest pains . Symptoms of shock* *Medical evaluation Anxiety . Fear ...
Chest pains . Symptoms of shock* *Medical evaluation Anxiety . Fear ...

by by Janine

Have you experienced severe anxiety symptoms often?

Are you just coping with anxiety attacks by going through daily life with a terrible sense of uneasiness that at any moment, another major panic attack is about to happen?

It is this state of fearfulness that keeps you at an increased level of anxiousness and this leads to feelings of severe anxiety symptoms. The actual fear of the perceived upcoming attack is what propels your body into reacting to the threat, perceived or real.

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Pounding heart
Stomach upset or dizziness
Frequent urination or diarrhea
Shortness of breath
Tremors and twitches
Muscle tension

Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety

Feeling apprehensive
Difficulty concentrating
Feeling tense and jumpy
Anticipating the worst to happen
Anticipating signs of danger
A sense or feeling that your mind has gone blank

Have you ever found yourself making changes to in your behaviour so as not to trigger an anxiety attack?

This is another of the common symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks because it's already happening due to your resistance. Feeling this way makes simple daily tasks seem and feel like huge hurdles.

If you are like this then you should know that anxiety attacks as well as general anxiety can be eliminated in simple steps no matter how long you have had anxiety as a problem.

Symptoms Of Anxiety  Coping With Panic Attacks
Symptoms Of Anxiety Coping With Panic Attacks
Severe Anxiety
Severe Anxiety
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Related video about Severe Anxiety Symptoms - Are You Just Coping With Anxiety Attacks?

Coping Methods for Anxiety Disorders

Coping Methods for Anxiety Disorders Patients who have anxiety disorders will often find that dealing with their medical condition but people who love those with anxiety disorders Severe Anxiety Symptoms - Are You Just Coping With Anxiety Attacks?

Commonly question about Severe Anxiety Symptoms - Are You Just Coping With Anxiety Attacks?

Question :

Anxiety/Panic Attacks - How to cope with it?

Well I suffer from mild to severe symptoms of anxiety, more like panic attacks.
I ve read things online, but they all come down to knowing what your problem is.
I m unsure of what my problem is, I just start experiencing a panicy state in which I get frustrated or extremely emotional (Mixed emotions)
I would like to treat it without medication, but will go to medication if it persists. If the anxiety gets bad enough I start to get sick physically and have to stop and take days off. I ve had it for years, but was never actually diagnosed with it until recently.
Answer :
It is unlikely to treat something like this without medication. Go to the psychiatrist and ask for a benzodiazepine. I recommend Klonopin or Xanax. Ativan personally did not work for me and Valium works very slowly. I currently take Klonopin and it works. I originally asked for Xanax though because it is the strongest and fastest working benzo, but my doctor would not prescribe it to me. Some doctors are hesitant to give it to people.

Whoever gave me a thumbs down, you re dumb because the person said they suffer from panic attacks. Benzos are the best and most helpful treatment for such things.
Question :

Can severe anxiety/panic attacks be cured without medication?

i m constantly anxious as all hell, developed something like agoraphobia (I only go out after taking xanax or getting drunk), really if you go down the list of anxiety symptoms I have them all constantly. the worst is walking around with this horrible fog in my brain. I can t think clearly, I get super emotional, anger problems, very agitated, etc. I ve tried 6 different antidepressants now and they ve all just been terrible poison. the ones I ve taken in the past I don t really know how they work for anxiety because this has all only developed (at least to this extreme level) within the past year. I barely leave my house once a week, and that s only for therapy. I used to be on the go constantly with my ex-girlfriend, partying every weekend, etc, with no problems at all. and then first it started to happen when I d go to the mall, I d get a panic attack EVERY time. so I avoided the mall. then it would happen in my ex s car, so I avoided her car most of the time. before long I wasn t able to drive myself, go to any stores, go out drinking, and then eventually I wasn t even safe from it in my own house. I ended up in a short-term mental hospital for a few days back in december, and they forced me to take celexa which didn t help the anxiety and just made me feel completely apathetic to everything. I had gone from crying all day everyday about my breakup to not caring about anything. so I never got the script filled after I was discharged. I ve been going to therapy for a couple of months now (hasn t helped at all, I think I need to find a psychologist instead of just seeing a social worker), and they had me try effexor XR, and within two days it made me suicidal. went back to see the doc today and he said he didn t feel comfortable putting me on antidepressants anymore if they had that effect on me, and tried to push bipolar meds. I told him no way, and he just told me to keep taking my xanax and see if the CBT works. in other words he basically did nothing to help me.

anyway, I m hoping that the anxiety is all just in my head and that if I can learn to think differently and just not care about it, that it won t bother me anymore, but the problem is it always seems to be physical symptoms and then they trigger panic attacks because I start to freak out about the way i m breathing, or how my heart is racing, or the faint feeling in my head, and i m constantly worrying and have racing thoughts. like I said before, I m walking around with my head in a cloud, and it s awful. if you asked me how I started everything I ve just written, I wouldn t be able to tell you the first sentence without going back up and looking at it.

anyway, because it was only $8 and I don t know what else to do, I went and filled the generic celexa script today, but haven t started taking it yet and don t know if I m going to. even if it could possibly help, I d like to think I could be a stronger person than someone who has to take antidepressants for the rest of my life because I can t cope with, basically, feeling nervous. so I don t really know what to do. but I m tired of being confined to my house, miserable, jobless, never going out on weekends anymore, and certainly being miserable over my ex-girlfriend instead of at least trying to meet new girls.

anyone have any success without medication? I know people are gonna say things like breathing exercises and meditation, but they just don t work for me. breathing exercises freak me out, and I can t calm myself down enough or stop thinking about all the nonsense that goes through my head long enough to meditate.

right now I usually take 0.5mg xanax twice a day, and if I have to go out and drive sometimes it ends up being 1.25mg or 1.5mg by the end of the day (which isn t good cause my script will run out sooner). other than that, I just take B-vitamins and fish oil, they don t seem to make any difference. I also work out on my home gym every other day, and have been trying to use an elliptical on the off days but i m so out of shape that I don t quite have all that in me yet, i m easing myself in.

also, I ve found that when I get drunk (but only when it s on occasion) I don t feel anxious at all (and then when it starts to wear off, or the next morning, I feel about 100x more anxious along with the hangover).

I guess that s all there is to say, so please help! anyone have success with CBT for SEVERE anxiety? i m talking constant feeling of anxiety in general with all the physical symptoms and the b rain fog and then anticipatory panic attacks, along with invariable panic attacks associated with specific events (driving, shopping, etc).
Answer :
I have an excellent anti anxiety protocol. To compliment it, you sound like you need some counseling, the protocol will really help support your body and in turn improve your flight and fight swings in mood.The Cancelling to help your mental state and understand what are the triggers, I had a patient at Christmas with agoraphobia quite badly and she has turned the corner and now enrolled in a course and totally back in control. She is a very highly qualified medical person but totally emotionally crippled like you.Email me on if you want help.Just briefly say anxiety problem so i know what it is about.


Franklin Rife Centre Waiuku New Zealand.
Question :

I have severe pains from my social anxiety is there anyway i can cope with that?

when i go to school im so anxious i have non stop diarea and when i decide to hold it in i get a migraine the diarrhea is from my anxiety not another illness i know that because i already checked with the doctors im also sweating and my heart is pounding real fast i just want to go to school without those symptoms what can i do?
Answer :
If you want a diagnosis ask your family doctor to refer you to a mental health care provider.

Where do fears, stress and anxiety come from?

Could it just be your thoughts?

Our thoughts influence all our behaviour and feelings. Thoughts create feelings. Disastrous thoughts create disastrous feelings.

Often we worry what others are thinking about us. But, more often than not, they are more concerned with how they appear to you.

Confidence in social situations is about entertaining the other person. Memorize some good jokes. Be aware of what is going on in the world and be prepared to talk about it.

Focus on the person you are talking to. Try to make them feel comfortable instead of focusing on your feelings. Keep yourself focused on what you are doing.

Ask the other person questions you would like them to ask you. Invite them to simple social events like a cup of coffee.

Your goal in a social situation is to make friends. If you want friends, then be a friend. Call them up. Offer to help where can.

Read more at:


Life long experience and learning.

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