Kamis, 06 September 2012

Different Side Effects of Bulimia

There is a cause and effect for everything in nature, regardless of what the cause is. Many times, the causes may be unknown to those who are being

some of the effects of bulimia when purging is involved
some of the effects of bulimia when purging is involved

There is a cause and effect for everything in nature, regardless of what the cause is. Many times, the causes may be unknown to those who are being affected. A person who has an eating disorder may not realize the side effects of Bulimia until it is almost too late.

The eating disorder, Bulimia, may start out as just a way to get to eat a lot of food and then get rid of it as to not gain any weight. In time, if not stopped, the eating disorder will be out of control and overtake a life. Typically females are affected and they will continue to have a figure that will not show that they have an eating disorder. The effects from Bulimia can be hidden; although they can be seen if the symptoms are recognized by someone who is aware of what the Bulimia side effects are.

Bulimia is an eating disorder in which an abnormal amount of usually comforting and sweet foods are eaten at one sitting. This is not stating that those who overeat on sweets at the holidays or special occasions are Bulimic. The difference is that a Bulimic will consume a large amount of food when they feel the need and this need will begin to happen more and more on regular basis. Not only will the Bulimic binge, they will then purge that very same food.

Eating a large amount of food gives a feeling of control and that of contentment even though it is for a very short period of time. The thought of the calories that were just ingested initiates the purging. The purging must be done in order to maintain weight; if there was an increase in weight the questions would be asked and this might lead someone to find out about the bingeing and purging. If this were to happen, the Bulimic would feel very ashamed of their poor behavior as well as drop their self-esteem and increase their anxiety and depression.

Bulimia side effects are devastating to both the body and the mind. The body is affected by the purging. Every part of the body from the teeth to the stomach to various muscles are all affected from purging. The stomach acid is meant to breakdown the food that we eat so that our body can properly dispose of it through the normal processes. When purging or vomiting, the stomach acid touches the inside of the esophagus, the mouth, the teeth and then begins eating at every surface.

Bulimia Facts Side Effects
Bulimia Facts Side Effects
Bulimia Facts Side Effects
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Bulimia Facts Side Effects
Bulimia Facts Side Effects

Related video about Different Side Effects of Bulimia

Bulimia Side Effects

Bulimia Side Effects youtube-com free yourself from bulimia Former international model and bulimia sufferer Julie Kerr shares a 4 step process for full bulimia Different Side Effects of Bulimia

Commonly question about Different Side Effects of Bulimia

Question :

What are the different effects that anorexia and bulimia have on your body?

Or do they have the same side-effects?
Answer :
They aren t the same, at all. Also, I m guessing you aren t asking this for "hmmm which one should I try?" so I won t go on that rant. First hand, it s /awful/ because I still hate myself since I let a few people get into my head. If it s for a report or something, then fine.

With anorexia, your body goes into starvation mode. You may think that not eating means fat quickly melts away but it doesn t. Going on a strict diet of vegetables, low carb, low fat, all that will lose more weight than anything else because we have survival instincts in us. If our body isn t getting food, it goes, "Aw sh!t! I m in the desert during a famine! I need to ration myself!" So it eats away the fat slowly, very slowly. Muscle is also eaten away, so those nice little muscles on your arms or stomach become sagging pieces of skin. So when anorexic people think how ugly they are, they can look a bit uglier from when they started. Then next comes calcium and vitamins - meaning bones.

Bulimia does the same effect, but not to such a degree. The body sees that the stomach is full and doesn t panic. But when it realises there isn t as much food getting digested, it starts to eat away fat. This is a quicker process, yes, but acid is thrown up meal after meal, sometimes three meals a day. Think of how much acid we have in our stomachs to eat away food - the stomach lining is replaced once a week just because it s eaten away so often. Your teeth are rotted away and you get awful breath. Your enamel is gone, and that stuff doesn t grow back. The ACT mouth wash works, but not that great. And you ruin your throat, and you can pull things up further from vomiting too much. I knew a girl who could eat a box of cereal in a sitting or a dozen donuts from Dunkin Donuts where she d work, then go home and throw it up. It was because her body was so starved that her stomach had expanded and it kept wanting food. Her breath stunk and no one wanted her at their house as we knew she d just eat and eat.

So they both have their "side-effects" as you call them. They re both deadly; the same things can be achieved in half the time from diet and exercise, with a lot more happiness, and no real "I hate myself I can t eat food" in the future.
Question :

Will the effects of bulimia ever go away completely? Recovered bulimics, help?

I ve been bulimic for 5 years. Really, really bulimic. I binge and purge in the double digits, daily. I m underweight, and look gross. My potassium s usually in the 2 s, most other electrolytes are off as well. I now have a heart condition. My hair is disgusting, very very thin. Don t get me started on my teeth.
Bottom line- I ve effed up my body. I know this. My question is, if I could even stop, how long will it take for me to stabilize medically? I was in inpatient treatment for months and my nutritional levels were still out of whack after being behavior free for months.
More important to me than the physical - if I could find the willpower to stop, will I ever really be okay with not doing it? I ve gone a pretty long time (in tx) without purging before, but the ED is raging the whole time. I got out, and it became too much within weeks. So here I am.
I ve been, and am currently going, to doctors; I see a therapist, I ve been on and am now off antidepressants (terrible side effects, tried different ones, no dice) Telling me to go to a doctor is pointing out the obvious. I want to know if it ever really stops....
Answer :
Getting over an eating disorder completely is very difficult but accepting that you have one is a big step!
First you have to deal with the physical side and gain weight; your doctors and therapist should be able to help you with this, finding the best way for you to do so. Yes I know this is a lot easier said than done, but it makes a huge difference, your mood should improve, making it easier to deal with the ED. When you are at a healthier weight some problems should get better, like potassium and electrolyte levels. Your hair should improve over time, but will probably never return to how it used to be. Some of the other effects may not fade, but I can also only tell you from an anorexics point of view.

The mental part is the hardest to get over, and will take a long time, probably several years. You just have to be really strong, and support from both professional and others does help. Although it may seem hard to imagine life without the ED, you will gradually break out of it, and it is the most liberating feeling! So don t abandon hope, it is not an impossible task to get over an eating disorder even though it feels like it! I does stop!
I hope you can get better and wish you luck!


Question :

Have you taken adderall for bulimia?

What was the effect and did it help? What about side effects and obssessive thoughts? I took Lexapro at a very small dose and was really lethargic. Now my dr is thinking about adderall. Is that targeting a different par of the brain or something? Any info at all is appreciated!
Answer :
I have taken something similar (Ritalin for ADD) but it had no effect on Bulimia. Ritalin or Adderall might help you to work a therapy program because you are able to focus better.
The only way I know of to stop binging and purging is (after trying for 26 years everything else) working the FA program. I have put the link tin the source section.



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