by marsmet523 The most frequently asked question by parents about what causes ADHD in children is whether any situation in the home life of the chil
Slideshow: ADHD/ADD in Children -- Symptoms & Treatments |
by marsmet523
The most frequently asked question by parents about what causes ADHD in children is whether any situation in the home life of the child or simply bad parenting could be responsible. Parents can be reassured about this but at the same time warned that unless there is some behaviour modification in the treatment of the child with ADHD, there is a strong chance that the child will have to go through all their life with this condition!
What causes ADHD could actually be a chemical imbalance in the brain and that means that the brain does not function at its maximum capacity leading to all sorts of well known problems associated with ADHD such as inattention, hyperactivity, squirming and impulsivity. These might well be present in any normal spirited child but in ADHD they tend to interfere with the child's development and lack of social skills and inattention and sometimes defiant behaviour can set a whole range of problems in motion. But these are mere symptoms and do not tell us with any precision about what causes ADHD in children.
Researchers have actually found that ADHD children's brains are about 3% or 4% smaller than those of normal children and this could be the result of certain areas not being fully developed. Then there are a whole series of arguments linking the cause of ADHD to diet and media exposure but these are neither valid nor true. Certainly these two factors can exacerbate symptoms but they are certainly not what causes ADHD in children.
The hereditary link in the debate about what causes ADHD in children is one which should be borne in mind because any child with an ADHD parent is said to have a greater chance (by up to 25%) of developing the condition than other children. The genetic link is therefore a probable element in what causes ADHD. It is a fact that many parents when they get their children diagnosed with ADHD discover that they have the condition themselves which is a two edged sword. It may give them a certain empathy with the child in trying to cope but on the other hand, they will be severely handicapped when it comes to providing structure and organisation in family life.
What is uppermost in parents' minds when and if their child is diagnosed with ADHD is how on earth they are going to cope with all this. They have heard all about the ADHD drugs and are understandably wary especially now that some parents are even willing to get their non-ADHD children these drugs when they are competing in the rat race at college! This was in a shocking report in the Nature magazine recently. Pushing their children without worrying too much about parenting skills or ADHD behavioral therapy is the easy and dangerous way out. The side effects of these amphetamines can be alarming whether for young children or college students. They range from sleep disorders, weight loss, appetite and mood swings, stunted growth. In the long term, there is a risk of schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorders and paranoia. Is this what you want for your ADHD child?
Discover a Safer ADHD Therapy.
Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children's Health. He has written extensively on ADHD.
Slideshow: ADHD/ADD in Children -- Symptoms & Treatments |
Uncovering The Causes Of Adhd In Children |
is adhd we hope to enlighten you on questions such as what causes adhd ... |
... or treated for ADHD or ADD, Depression, Anxiety, and Bipolar Disorder |
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