Senin, 03 September 2012

Types of Depression, Where Do They All End?

by Ayurvedic-Medicine Depression is complex. It can linger and grow for months or even years before being detected . Studies have shown that million

 ... depression have anxiety disorders all types of depression May be
... depression have anxiety disorders all types of depression May be

by Ayurvedic-Medicine

Depression is complex. It can linger and grow for months or even years before being detected . Studies have shown that millions of Americans will suffer some form of depressive disorder this year. Unfortunately fewer than 1/3 of these people will look for help. Often the sufferers don't even know they're sick. Every day stress is common in the modern world. It's more difficult to navigate the obstacles in life. Many families are surviving week to week. Trouble in the economy has made it more difficult than ever to keep a good job. Stress leads to depressive feelings. There are many different types of depression. Some of the labels mean the same thing. There is mental, medical, clinical and manic depressive disorder. There is also the fact that it gets severe enough to allude to the final stages of the disease. Depressive disorder can result from a variety of causes. One of these is simple biology, brain chemistry issues. DNA also carries it. Those with family histories of the disorder are at risk.

Psychology Information Online provides information on the following depressive disorders:

* Major Depression - This is the most serious type, in terms of number of symptoms and severity of symptoms, but there are significant individual differences in the symptoms and severity. You do not need to feel suicidal to have a major case, and you do not need to have a history of hospitalizations either, although both of these factors are present in some people with major depressive symptoms. * Dysthymic Disorder - This refers to a low to moderate level that persists for at least two years, and often longer. While the symptoms are not as severe as the major version, they are more enduring and resistant to treatment. Some people with dysthymia develop a major case at some time during the course of their disorder.

* Unspecified - This category is used to help researchers who are studying other specific types, and do not want their data confounded with marginal diagnoses. It includes people with a serious case, but not quite severe enough to have a diagnosis of a major form. It also includes people with chronic, moderate, which has not been present long enough for a diagnosis of a Dysthymic disorder. (You get the idea!)

* Adjustment Disorder,- This category describes that which occurs in response to a major life stressor or crisis.

* Bipolar - This type includes both high and low mood swings, as well as a variety of other significant symptoms not present in other forms of the disease.

Other Types of Depressive Categories:

* Post Partum - Major depressive episode that occurs after having a baby. Depressive symptoms usually begin within four weeks of giving birth and can vary in intensity and duration.

* Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - A type of depressive disorder which is characterized by episodes of a major case which reoccur at a specific time of the year (e.g. fall, winter). In the past two years, depressive periods occur at least two times without any episodes that occur at a different time.

* Anxiety - Not an official type (as defined by the DSM). However, anxiety often also occurs with depression. In this case, a depressed individual may also experience anxiety symptoms (e.g. panic attacks) or an anxiety disorder (e.g. PTSD, panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder).

* Chronic - Major depressive episode that lasts for at least two years.

* Double - Someone who has Dysthymia (chronic mild) and also experiences a major depressive episode (more severe depressive symptoms lasting at least two weeks).

* Endogenous - Endogenous means from within the body. This type is defined as feeling depressed for no apparent reason.

* Situational or Reactive (also known as Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood) - Depressive symptoms developing in response to a specific stressful situation or event (e.g. job loss, relationship ending). These symptoms occur within 3 months of the stressor and lasts no longer than 6 months after the stressor (or its consequences) has ended. Depression symptoms cause significant distress or impairs usual functioning (e.g. relationships, work, school) and do not meet the criteria for major depressive disorder.

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Commonly question about Types of Depression, Where Do They All End?

Question :

Do any of you ever suffer from the type of depression where you uncontrollably think....?

about unhappy times you ve had in your life, when your all alone, and sit and cry?
You feel like your almost going through past times all over again, in your own mind and heart.
How do you get over it, without doctor dope?
Answer :
Oh, boy, do I ever!! I have been diagnosed with severe post-traumatic stress syndrome due to a murder attempt/rape in the 80 s. I am having weekly therapy sessions, developed agoraphobia, (fear of leaving home), and also am taking major antidepressants, and things are getting better every day! But, I still have crying jags often, memories flooding back. I am steadily improving...I hope you feel better soon!
Question :

How do treat my mother?

My mother has had depression all of my life. Different types. I m only 16 and i just want to make her better. Right now, she has a type of depression where nothing you do is good enough for her. We have gotten her every type of depression medication for her but it doesn t work. She always asks things like, "Spend time with me" and "Why don t you love me". Even when you are doing all of those things. I can t stand this. We do everything for her. Just, any advice would be appreciated.
Answer :
i really feel for you, i ve just turned 16 and my mums sufferd depresion since i was a kid, try starting some activity with her, like a club, i started kickboxing with my mum, it really got us closer and gave us something to bond over, and gave her something to look forward to in the week, you may not like kickboxing but there are plenty other clubs you could start :) x
Question :

Has anyone tried Provigil? Does it help depression also? Where is the cheapest place to buy it?

I got a prescription for Provigil and my insurance company will not pay so I have been researching online for the cheapest pharmacies. Does anyone know where I can Provigil at the best price? Before I shell out more than i should have to becuase of the insurance company can anyone tell me their experience with this med? I have heard it helps with depression this true? I have severe depression and any improvement is better than none. I did a trial and it did help with my alertness enough to where i want to keep taking it. Even if i can get only 4 hours of work done, it is better than no work at all. I am curious about the rumor that this med helps with depression in adjunct with anti-depressants, which would be a godsend to me. I do not want none of that Ritalin type crap. I guess i just wonder where i can find this medicine at its lowest price? can anyone help me?
Answer :
My insurance at first refused to pay until I had my doctor call the insurance company. Try this because without insurance this drug is way too expensive. You can also go on the provigil website and obtain a coupon for a free 7 day trial prescription. I haven t been taking this long enough to tell you exactly what all it treats. It is prescribed for obstructive sleep apnea and people that are switching work shifts. However, in researching the drug it is being called a miracle drug treating depression, weight loss, bipolar disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.

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