Senin, 24 September 2012

Anxiety Related Disorders

by Vietnam Plants & America plants Anxiety is a personal experience of an individual which portrays feeling of nervousness, restlessness, hesitation

Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders

by Vietnam Plants America plants

Anxiety is a personal experience of an individual which portrays feeling of nervousness, restlessness, hesitation, or fear. It takes place as a product of fear or threats that may be definite or indefinite, misperceived, or misinterpreted, or from a risk to one's individuality or self esteem. It often comes first a fresh experience. It has three types: first is normal. A normal type of anxiety mobilizes a person to perform a certain action. Next is acute. An acute anxiety is precipitated by imminent loss or change that threatens the sense of security. Last is chronic. Chronic anxiety is the type of anxiety that was always in the unconscious part of the mind wherein individual has lived with over a long period of time.

According to some novel studies, anxiety disorders run in the genes aside from a subjective experience. This implies that genetics and life experiences simultaneously construct a person to be further susceptible to the development of this disease. Brain chemistry emerge to play an important part in the onset of anxiety disorders, given that most of the symptoms of anxiety disorders are relieved with medications which interferes with the chemicals in the brain.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is distinguished by constant, impractical and extreme anxiety that cannot be proscribed or shifted. Individuals with GAD can't shake their worries, even though they usually become conscious that their anxiety is deeper than the circumstances warrant. Their worries come with by bodily symptoms especially exhaustion, annoyance, muscle tensions, muscle aches, trouble in swallowing, shakiness, jerky movement, bad temper, cold sweating, palpitations and hot flashes.

This is persistent and plugging their day with overstated fear and nervousness, even though there is slight or nothing to be anxious. Having this problem means always expecting disasters, often upsetting extremely about his health conditions, money matters, family relationships, or employment. Individuals with General Anxiety Disorder are expected to have further mental health complexities such as despair, drug and substance abuse, or another anxiety disorder.

Panic Disorder

The center symptom of panic disorder is panic attack, a devastating dread that occurs out of the blue with no warning signs and for no cause. A person with this type of anxiety disorder cannot foresee when is the next attack would most likely strike him. Often, the person experiences intense fear in common places where there is apparently nothing to be frightened of. The feeling of fright proceeds for a few minutes to almost an hour.

It usually hit the highest point in 10 minutes. Although there is absence of actual threat to the individual's security, the thoughts of dread causing the body to act in response accordingly producing massive symptoms like running heart beat, hot flashes, cold sweats and shakiness. Since this attack takes place abruptly without any cause, the physiologic reaction causes the individual to reflect that he is experiencing a heart attack.

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Commonly question about Anxiety Related Disorders

Question :

Has anyone had hypnotherapy for food or anxiety related disorders?

I m considering it for my "condition".
I get super angry when people eat around me, breathe loudly, make kissing noises, sniff hard etc.

I just wondered if anyone has any success or failure stories of using hypnotherapy?

Thanks in advance!
Answer :
Well, it could not hurt. I have always wanted to try. Sorry I am not much help.
Question :

Is anorexia and anxiety disorders closely related?

I had an eating disorder a few years back and I thought u had gotten over it. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and recently I had a pretty bad panic attack... Im convinced that I have an anxiety disorder and I m wondering if this could be related to my eating disorder? and how do i know for sure if I have an anxiety disorder ?
Answer :
Yes, other mental disorder often cause or contribute to eating disorders. Sometimes, difficulty dealing with emotions (such as stress and anxiety) is a big factor in the development of an eating disorder. An eating disorder allows a person another (harmful) way to cope with these feelings.
The only way to know for sure is to go to your doctor and get an official diagnosis, but here are some resources that might help you to determine if you have an anxiety disorder:
This website provides the DSM IV criteria (scroll down a little, and the criteria are listed):
This is an anxiety screening quiz, which is an unofficial way to determine if you might have or show signs of an anxiety disorder:
This website has a self-test:
i hope this helped, and congratulations on your eating disorder recovery, and i wish you the best of luck recovering from your anxiety disorder
Question :

How far sudharshanakriya is effective in controlling the anxiety disorders?

Art of Living Foundation of Sri Sri Ravishankarji is conducting the courses AOL - I AND AOL-II, Basic and advanaced course in meditation and claim that the same is most effective in curing the anxiety related disorders.
Answer :
lets look at the art of prayer.
read the articles there

moshiya de broek



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