Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Marijuana Addiction Remembered

Every word you are now reading about marijuana addiction is 100% true. I will tell you now that I am certainly no Shakespeare, but this is my mariju

Every word you are now reading about marijuana addiction is 100% true. I will tell you now that I am certainly no Shakespeare, but this is my marijuana addiction story.

Right now, I am typing in my office, which is in a beautiful 300 year old farmhouse which is my home, and my marijuana addiction seems such a long time ago.

And yet, I reckon today would be a good day to tell you about The Seven Secrets of Marijuana Addiction.

To be fair, I didn't just discover the secrets of marijuana addiction. For that would have been impossible. I was literally led away from marijuana addiction and from the precipice of physical, mental and emotional breakdown. Just when I couldn't take anymore, when the sheer misery of marijuana addiction and my own existence was too much to bear, I was gently and kindly led back to life.

Yes, I had got to the point where, because of marijuana addiction, I was either going to end it all, or get some kind of help which I had never had before. Then, out of the blue, a 'helping hand' appeared in my life. At last I had someone to really help me with my marijuana addiction.

Now, before any of you start thinking, "Here we go, a religious nut case!" Let me put you straight. I am not very religious. I am not keen on anybody telling me what to think or how to live my life. If you are religious, I respect your right to think and do whatever you want, as long as it's within the law.

No. I am talking about an ordinary guy who didn't judge me, he simply explained to me about marijuana addiction.

Then he showed me how to get away from marijuana addiction. Slowly. Simply. Kindly.

Within 6 weeks I had stopped smoking marijuana.

After all, marijuana addiction is terrible and you can't just get off it that easy. Can you? No, you can't. That was a tough six weeks. Actually, the first three days were the most difficult.

I can still remember my first night without a joint. It was surreal. I tried watching T.V., but I just couldn't concentrate. Marijuana addiction is tough. Then I remembered the marijuana addiction techniques. I 'practiced' them for half an hour, after all, I didn't even need to get out of my armchair.

Related video about Marijuana Addiction Remembered

Is Weed Addictive - Am I Addicted To Weed

Is Weed Addictive - Am I Addicted To Weed OffPot-com Is weed addictive Am I addicted to weed Yes you can be Ask yourself the following twelve questions If you answer yes to any one of Marijuana Addiction Remembered

Commonly question about Marijuana Addiction Remembered

Question :

How long does it take to recovery from a marijuana addiction?

I ve been clean for months now. Can t remember how many. My memory is dull and I have problems concentrating and staying on task. My thoughts are disorganized too. I was hoping I would start to be as sharp as I was years ago. I did smoke daylee. Will I ever improve?
Answer :
marijuana isn t addictive. as far as "weed kills brain cells" goes, i d like to see scientific proof of that. ;P otherwise to me it s just another old wives tale.
Question :

Where can i find studies linking marijuana addiction to prior accutane use?

I am writing a paper on marijuana addiction after being prescribed accutane to treat severe acne. I was on accutane in high school (2 stints) and became severely addicted to marijuana for my first two years in college. Now I am not trying to place the blame of my addiction on accutane, but I remember reading somewhere that the use of accutane somehow changes brain chemistry, increasing the likelihood of addiction to marijuana and other depressants. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of finding these studies, or any sort of articles relating the two. It would be a big help. Thank you.

Answer :
i can answer from multiple accounts too. Just so you know, beneath your question should be a link to add more details so you dont have to do that.

I am not going to do your homework for you. If you want to know if these studies exist, go to the library and look for them.
add... i did a quick search through a couple of journal search engines and didnt see anything. But, if you are really looking for this information, it would do you well to go spend several hours in a library looking for it.

Actually, whether mairjuana is addictive or not IS a huge question AND relavent to your question.
I bet 95% of what you worked on in rehab was behavioral, was it not? IMO, you have to understand how that "addiction" is made through classical and operant conditioning before you can approach getting off it, and the way to get off it, is through classical and operant conditioning in and of itself.

In rehab, they wouldnt have used that terminology because marijuana "addicts" are what keep most rehabs in business. However, most of the techniques used in rehab (any rehab, once you get past the chemical addiction) are derived from the principles of classical and operant conditioning. So, do yourself a favor, and research the conditioning.

In addition, I told you where the link would likely be if there is one..... accutane alone has a ton of nasty psychological side effects, including depression. There IS a link between depression and self medication with marijuana. Its correlational, NOT causal, but there is a link.

And make sure you look up actual study articles published in journals. A news article wont cut it, because often the news article completely skews what the journal article and research stated.
Question :

How do I get help for a marijuana addiction?

I am 19, and I have a marijuana addiction. I m in college and I ve come to a point where I can t even focus straight. I can t do my homework, I can barely get out of bed, I can t remember things, and I am constantly thinking of smoking weed and getting high all the time. I ve been having extreme anxiety since I began weed, and it has made me extremely depressed. I want to reach out to my parents and family but I can t, because I feel ashamed. I need help, but I don t know who to turn to. Please somebody help
Answer :
Nathan, you shouldn t feel ashamed at all. Be proud of yourself for being able to admit that you have a problem. Admitting that you have a problem is the first, and most important step in recovery. if you weren t able to even acknowledge that you have a problem then how would you know that something needs to be fixed. I m quite sure that your family would much rather know that you have a problem then to have you continue on the path that you re on. They can t help you if they don t know. You re going to have to put your shame aside & talk to your family if you want any hope of recovering from this & of getting better. I m proud of you for admitting your problem, & if you were my child I would do everything i could to help you & to support you through this. I know your family wouldn t want you to suffer alone. You want help, so you ve got to do what you can to get it. If that means feeling a little ashamed then in the long run it s well worth it because you ll be so proud of yourself in the end. It may be necessary for you to go through rehab to help you through this. You can get help & you can get better. I promise! It may seem hopeless right now, but you ll be thankful in the long run. Please talk to someone in your family that you trust so they can help you. It s much more important for you to get better. Your family wont be ashamed of you. If anything, they ll be proud of you for being so strong & for wanting help. So many people never reach that point & they live in total misery. Don t choose that path. You getting better is all that matters right now. Please talk to someone. I would love to hear about your progress. Take care & be strong! You can do this!!

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